

1. "God, after god, me."


——狂人一入主切尔西,便以“上帝第一 我第二”的姿态开始治军。他甚至给队员们发放了一份“穆里尼奥十诫”手册。

2. "We have top players and, sorry if I"m arrogant, we have a top manager."



3. "If he helped me out in training,we would be bottom of the league."



4. "Look, we"re not entertaining? I don"t care; we win."



5. "Everybody wants Chelsea to lose a game. When they do they should declare a public holiday."



6. "I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur. He likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have a big telescope to see what happens in other families. He speaks, speaks, speaks about Chelsea."



7. "The circumstances are difficult for us with the new football rules that we have to face. It is not possible to have a penalty against Manchester United and it is not possible to have penalties in favour of Chelsea. It is not a conspiracy, it is fact. I speak facts. If not, I need big glasses."



8. "Pressure? What pressure? Pressure is poor people in the world trying to feed their families. There is no pressure in football"



9. "As we say in Portugal, they brought the bus and they left the bus in front of the goal."



10. "There are only two ways for me to leave Chelsea. One way is in June 2015 when I finish my contract and if the club doesn"t give me a new one. It is the end of my contract and I am out. The second way is for Chelsea to sack me. The way of the manager leaving the club by deciding to walk away, no chance! I will never do this to Chelsea supporters."




eighth-finals 八分之一决赛
quarterfinal 四分之一决赛
one-side game 一边倒的比赛
competition requlations 比赛条例
disqualification 取消比赛资格
sportsmanship 运动员的道德,风格
opening ceremony 开幕式
semi-final 半决赛
first round 第一轮
round-robin 循环赛
doping test 药检
draw,sostition 抽签
elimination match ,kick-out 淘汰赛
break through 突破
overhead kick 倒勾球
match ban 禁赛命令
ranking 排名
schedule 比赛日程

half time 中场休息
kick-out 踢出界
sending-off 罚下场
place kick 定位球
pass 传球
stopping 停球
relegation 降级
penalty 点球裤碧
league 联赛 heading 顶球
grouping 分晌尘组
competitiom rules 比赛规则
protest 对不公平裁判的抗议
sellout 球票卖完
first (second) half 上(下)半场
rist 球场骚乱
indicator,score board 记分牌
yell 观众的喊声
handclap 鼓掌
cross (short,flank) pass 横(短,边界)传
