

The game into stoppage time, Doncaster player in midfield near the sideline throw out of bounds ball, just after the astragal Forrest directly recorded a Bigfoot, the ball crossed the berry goalkeeper fell into the goal.
If only the ball flight path and shooting technique, this is a beautiful goal. However, the "goal" after the Tang Custer players did not celebrate. Instead, Forester continues to speak with Berri"s players, his body language is very clear, he this "goal" is not intentional.
Originally, before the goal Berri players injured, they put the ball out of bounds. In accordance with the rules of engagement, don Custer should be in soon after the match resumed the ball right back to Berri. Forrest"s feet, just want to put the ball back to the opponent, only that he did not think, this time he passing into a perfect shot, directly compromised the opponent"s goal.
Tang Dikov, the head coach Custer, went into the field, and he suggested to the referee to cancel the goal because it was "a mistake."". But the referee dismissed his request, after all, the goal is true and effective. After consultations, Dickov requires a player is not in the kick-off after the defense, so field appeared berry striker Clark from the centre circle directly to belting the ball into the goal of the scene.
"In that case, if we get 3 points, we are not right. So I didn"t want to, we decided to allow them to equalize." After the game, Dikov spoke of his decision.
Berry coach Vliet Croft of Dickov praised, "Dickov aboveboard sports spirit has improved the status of football, if there is no competition morals, football also is not football the. I"m going to show Dikov the greatest respect."


关于运动英语手抄报简易内容:A page from Sally’s diarylast week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmatestook active parts in it. Sometimes we watched the sports games closely.Sometimes we gaveloud cheers to the sports members.John took a part in 1500-metre race. He was the fastest runner in the race and won thefirst place. Lisa did not do well in high-jump, so we said “come on” to cheer her up. I tookpart in 200-metre running race.?As soon as I heard the starting PANG, I tried my best to runfaster than others. As I was running I could hear “Come on! Come on!”from myclassmates.This gave me great strenth. Finally I was the first person to get to the finishingline.I was number one.As a result, my class won the first prize in the sports meet. How proud we were! It wasreally an exciting day.


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据不完全统计,现在世界上经常参加比赛的球队约80万支,登记注册的运动员约4000万人,其中职业运动员约10万人。 国际足联核准合格标准:足球周长介于 68.5厘米-69.5厘米之间。

国际足联核准合格标准: 足球重量介于420-445克之间。足球运动对抗性强,运动员在比赛中采用规则所允许的各种动作包括奔跑、急停、转身、倒地、跳跃、冲撞等,同对手进行激烈的争夺。

比赛时间长、观众多、竞赛场地大,是其他任何运动项目无法企及的。习惯足球是20块正六边形(白)和12块正五边形(黑)一共32块皮组成 。


年龄段有u15,u17,u19 国奥组和成年组及青年组等。lz还需要叫我一声,我再打(字)采纳我吧。
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阳光体育愉快足球手抄报内容: 愉快足球,是米卢对待足球的态度,也是米卢的领导艺术。


